H and H Tourni-Kwik 4 [TK-4] Tourniquet

H and H Tourni-Kwik 4 [TK-4] Tourniquet


The TK-4 One Handed Compression Strap now features a newly developed woven elastic textile band (3” wide by 40” long) that provides incredible strength and flexibility. With one steel hook fastened steadfast (three thick hog rings per S-Hook) to both ends of the elastic band, and packaged in a small, vacuum-sealed pouch, TK-4 is ideal for applying direct pressure over a wound or for creating pressure on an extremity to reduce blood loss.

TK-4 has been deployed by the US Marine Corps, US Special Forces, and numerous law enforcement and emergency services as a quick way to control severe hemorrhaging while minimizing size and weight.

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