Roving Blue O-Pen

Roving Blue O-Pen


The O-Pen makes water safe by infusing it with tiny bubbles of ozone gas.

Approved by the FDA and the USDA for use in drinking water, ozone is more powerful than chlorine and is highly effective against bacteria, viruses, giardia, cryptosporidium, typhoid fever, coliform, dysentery, cholera, infectious jaundice, hepatitis, influenza virus, e-coli, enteric and many other dangerous microorganisms.

Ozone also removes unpleasant tastes and odors – you won't be able to tell the difference between your glass of tap water and bottled water.

EPA Est. 094576-TWN-001

The O-Pen® and Ozo-Pod® are not currently available for purchase in the following states: CO, DC, HI, IN, NV, OK, WY

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