Honeyville Grains

Honeyville Grains


Honeyville's 6 Grain Cereal Mix is a special blend of nutritious oats, wheat, and grains that cook up into a delicious hot breakfast cereal and make the perfect ingredient for breads. This mix provides a rich and nutty flavor that can only be found when combining mother natures best whole grains.

With 6 different varieties of grains, you get a wide variety of nutrients, including fiber, protein, and vitamins that are crucial for any healthy diet. Honeyvilles 6 grain cereal mix is your ideal product for everyday cooking and emergency preparedness.

Shelf-Life:  6 Grain Cereal Mix in a can will store for 7 to 10 years in a sealed #10 can (oxygen absorber included) under ideal storage conditions (cool, dry place.)

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