Hygiene & Sanitation


Hygiene is the "conditionor practice conducive to the preservation of health, as cleanliness."  It is about keeping yourself and belonging relatively clean.  This means not just free of grime and dirt, but also disease-causing germs.  Hygienic techniques apply to hands, feet, body, teeth, and clothing.  Direct transfer is most common through the hands.  Shoes promote foot fungal growth.  Certain parts of the body (e.g. armpits and groin) accumulate microorganisms more than others.  Clean teeth promote general health.  Finally, regular clothes washing minimizes spread of germs.

Sanitation is the "disposal of sewage and solid waste," and the "use of practical measures for the preservation of public health."  In other words, it is about keeping your waste as far away from you as possible.  What goes in must be separated from what comes out.  Diseases are transferred in a number of ways, including by water, solids, air, and directly through touching.  Those vectors can be stymied by means of barriers, treatment, and separation.  Specific examples include latex gloves, water filters, and proper burial.  Good sanitation promotes good hygiene. 

This seminar will address all these factors, using everyday examples.  Understanding the nature of disease is the first step to successful health practices.  Behavior is as important as proper resources to remaining free from disease.  Knowing what to touch and not to touch and in what order makes a significant difference.  And then, treating oneself and waste properly to keep bad things from accumulating on and around you is key.  Usually, the simpler the method the better (and cheaper) is the solution to maintain the right balance.  Finally, practical exercises will be used to emphasize major considerations. 

Seminar Objectives:

  • Understand Common Diseases and Their Effects
  • Know the Importance of Hygiene in Your Everyday Life
  • Consider Various Personal Hygiene Techniques
  • Discuss Why Sanitation is Critical to a Healthy Environment
  • Know What a Typical Municipal Treatment System Accomplishes
  • Consider Various Personal Sanitation Techniques
  • Know What Kinds of Resources are Available
  • Demonstrate Practical Understanding of Seminar Objectives


Cost: $19.95 per person

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